Roque & Mark are dedicated to helping our residents go green! There are many small changes that can be made in order to make your home more environmentally friendly. Solutions can range from reducing waste to reusing items you probably already own. Here are a few of our favorite tips and tricks to help the environment in your home.
Save Water
As many residents are aware California is in a drought. As a result, water resources are limited, but there are many ways Santa Monica and Los Angeles residents can help!
One of the easiest things you can do is report running toilets and leaky faucets to get them repaired as soon as possible. One toilet can waste 150 gallons of water every day, so keep an eye and ear out for any active leaks. Does your toilet keep making a sound after the flush cycle is complete? Do you see the water moving a bit, or even a lot? These are signs the toilet is wasting water and should be repaired. If you’re not sure, take the time to flush the toilet and wait for the cycle to be completely finished. Then check for sights or sounds of water continuing to move. Roque & Mark tenants should call our office or submit an online service request via the online portal for fast repair.
It’s also important to keep track of any signs of possible leaks which can include stains, mold, peeling paint, a hissing sound in the wall, musty smell, etc. Furthermore, try to limit water use. Take shorter showers, turn off faucets when they are not in use, and run dishwashers and washing machines only when they are full.
Gardens and grass are hugely in need of water, especially if plants are not designed to thrive in desert conditions. Drought friendly plants can be a game changer. If you’re planning to do some summer gardening, consider selecting plant species that are better suited to desert climates, and require less watering. Remember to reduce watering to comply with city mandates. Information can be found on your city’s website.
For Los Angeles click here
For Santa Monica click here
Reuse and Recycle
Many items that are thrown away every day could have a second life still in them! The best way to help reduce wasted resources is to reuse and recycle. Here are a few tips to reduce waste ending up in landfills.
Composting is the natural process of recycling organic matter. By composting, you can provide yourself with nutritious, free fertilizer, and save what otherwise would’ve been useless scraps. Dead leaves, branches, twigs, grass, vegetable and fruit scraps, and coffee grounds are great examples of what to compost. By composting, waste that otherwise would have been left to decompose in a landfill can help the soil and plants to regrow. However, if composting isn’t something you’re interested in doing, make sure to put all organic waste in the green organics bin, so it can be recycled properly!
Single use plastics are one of the leading contributors to trash build up on our planet today. Recycling items that decompose slowly gives them a second life, and saves the planet from excess garbage. Deposit plastic and aluminum items into your blue recycling bin so they can be remade into something new! Make sure to empty and dry your items, as containers that are full may not be recycled. There are many recycling centers in the Los Angeles and Santa Monica areas, some of which will pay to take your eligible recycling. Consider dropping off bottles, containers, and cans in order to minimize single use waste.
Save yourself some money and storage space by reusing. Plastic and paper bags are some of the easiest items to reuse, simply keep them in your car or bag so you can use the same bags every time you shop. The same can be said for food containers and jars, which can easily be cleaned and kept as tupperware or other storage. If there are some items you aren’t interested in reusing, consider others who may be. Donating clothes is a perfect example of allowing something to be reused, while decluttering your own space.
Reduce Energy Consumption- It Could Save You Money!
Especially in cities like Santa Monica and Los Angeles, energy consumption can be high. AC, appliances, lights, and more can really make your energy bill add up. Reducing the amount of energy used in your home is an easy way to save money and the planet. Consider a few of the following energy saving suggestions.
Run appliances only when they are full, and if you’re running them several times a day, try and consolidate. When you do run your appliances, do so off peak hours, these times are lower priced and save the city from producing electricity. Peak hours are between 4-9pm, so try running the dishwasher while you sleep, or the laundry first thing in the morning. Additionally, keep your thermostat at a moderate temperature, it uses less energy!
Give Back the Green!
A great way to help the planet is to add some life back to it! By adding plants to the ecosystem around your home you help the soil’s health and wellness. But what plants are best? Living in Southern California, drought-friendly, native plants, such as cacti. are an excellent choice. They require less water and maintenance, and thrive during the hot days. Cacti aren’t the only option though, as succulents and desert grasses are equally great. Native plants also bring wildlife, as necessary pollinators are more attracted to plants that are native to California, helping local flora and fauna thrive in the city.
If you aren’t interested in adding more greenery around your home, volunteering with or donating to local gardens is another great way to give back to the planet. Roque & Mark partner with the Yale Street Urban Garden, hosted by Upward Bound House, who are working to feed homeless families with fresh fruits and vegetables. There are plenty of other charitable organizations who operate community gardens, so be sure to take a look around your area!
Stanford West: New building Roque & Mark manages at 3008 Santa Monica Boulevard, a prime example of giving a little bit of green back to the planet.